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The Behavioral Health Treatment Services Locator, is a source of information related to substance abuse/addiction and/or mental health services for persons seeking treatment facilities (outside of South Dakota) in the United States or U.S. Territories.


Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing
Sexuality Counseling
Substance Use Disorder Treatment Expense Assistance
Federal Government Agencies/Departments
Child Abuse Counseling
Substance Use Disorder Counseling
Inpatient Substance Use Disorder Treatment Facilities
Domestic Violence Intervention Programs
Comprehensive Outpatient Substance Use Disorder Treatment
Psychiatric Aftercare Services
Pregnancy Counseling
Cognitive Behavioral Therapy
Mental Health Expense Assistance
Divorce Counseling
Faith Based Counseling
Conjoint Counseling
Family Counseling
Psychiatric Day Treatment
Psychiatric Case Management
Group Counseling
Individual Counseling
Integrated Co-Occurring Disorders Treatment
Geriatric Psychiatry
Psychiatric Medication Services
Child and Adolescent Psychiatry
Psychiatric Rehabilitation
Children's Psychiatric Inpatient Units
Sex Offender Counseling
Adult Psychiatry
Sexual Assault Counseling
Residences for People With Chronic Substance Use Disorders
Peer Counseling
Sexual Orientation Counseling
Telemental Health
Adolescent Psychiatric Inpatient Units
Sexual/Love Addiction Counseling
Spouse/Intimate Partner Abuse Counseling
Adult Psychiatric Inpatient Units
General Counseling Services
Gender Identity Counseling
General Assessment for Substance Use Disorders
Geriatric Psychiatric Inpatient Units
Family Counseling Agencies
Parent Counseling
Adult Residential Treatment Facilities
Adolescent/Youth Counseling
Bereavement and Grief Counseling
Marriage and Relationships Counseling
Adult Child Sexual Abuse Survivor Counseling
Internet Addiction Counseling
Hoarding Counseling Programs
Gambling Disorder Counseling
Loving School at Sioux Falls Children's Home and Owen School at Black Hills Children's Home serves students ages 4-14, in grades PreK through 8th grade, including children in the Sioux Falls and Black Hills Residential Treatment Program. Specializes in meeting educational needs relating to childhood trauma, attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, reactive attachment disorder, abuse and neglect, anxiety disorder, aggression, and parent-child challenges. Students receive individual and group therapy weekly and have access to medical care and psychiatric services, as needed. A student does not need an Individualized Education Plan (IEP) to be enrolled in Children's Home Society schools. If a student does have an IEP, the IEP is implemented and managed by Loving School staff or Owen School staff. Each student's treatment team meets quarterly to share progress and monitor treatment goals. Occupational Therapy and Speech/Language services are available as prescribed by an IEP.


Middle Schools
Psychiatric Day Treatment
Boarding Schools
Special Education Classes/Centers
Educational Testing
Primary Schools
Child Abuse Prevention
Alternative Schools
Crisis stabilization for adults, 18 years and older, who are experiencing a mental health or substance abuse crisis. Program features include: Voluntary program, CCC is not a locked facility Medical triage screening, at intake to determine the needed level of care Opportunity to speak with a qualified mental health professional (QMHP) Length of stay: Up to 24 hours Collaborative recovery oriented stabilization plan Immediate counseling services Referrals to community agencies including detox, inpatient services, and community based counseling Limited transportation available to the Crisis Care Center via local law enforcement Telephone crisis support and follow up Goals of the Crisis Care Center: Provide the community with crisis options other than inpatient psychiatric care, incarceration, and involuntary admission to detox services to match the level of need with the level of care. Improve access to after crisis follow-up and mental health and substance abuse treatment. Improve service integration and coordination amount agencies and providers to help individuals better navigate complex systems. Improve awareness about and access to services to assist people in entering the health care system for mental health and substance abuse services prior to entering a crisis state.


General Assessment for Substance Use Disorders
After Hours Crisis Drop In Programs
Suicide Prevention Programs
General Crisis Intervention Hotlines
Suicide Prevention Hotlines
Central Intake/Assessment for Mental Health Services
Mental Health Screening
Substance Use Disorder Hotlines
Loving School at Sioux Falls Children's Home and Owen School at Black Hills Children's Home serves students ages 4-14, in grades PreK through 8th grade, including children in the Sioux Falls and Black Hills Residential Treatment Program. Specializes in meeting educational needs relating to childhood trauma, attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, reactive attachment disorder, abuse and neglect, anxiety disorder, aggression, and parent-child challenges. Students receive individual and group therapy weekly and have access to medical care and psychiatric services, as needed. A student does not need an Individualized Education Plan (IEP) to be enrolled in Children's Home Society schools. If a student does have an IEP, the IEP is implemented and managed by Loving School staff or Owen School staff. Each student's treatment team meets quarterly to share progress and monitor treatment goals. Occupational Therapy and Speech/Language services are available as prescribed by an IEP.


Middle Schools
Psychiatric Day Treatment
Boarding Schools
Special Education Classes/Centers
Educational Testing
Primary Schools
Child Abuse Prevention
Alternative Schools
Provides psychiatric residential treatment center licensed to serve boys and girls ages 10-17 years old, who have emotional, behavioral, and educational challenges. Offers: - Specialized education program - Extensive outdoor recreation - Opportunities for community involvement - Evidence-based programming including cognitive behavior therapy (CBT) groups


Mental Health Expense Assistance
Psychiatric Day Treatment
Dialectical Behavior Therapy
Adolescent/Youth Counseling
General Counseling Services
Child/Adolescent Residential Treatment Facilities
Clinical Psychiatric Evaluation
Trauma Focused Cognitive Behavioral Therapy
Cognitive Behavioral Therapy
Independent Living Skills Instruction
General medical and surgical, primary, nursing home, and rehabilitative care. Behavioral health services including addictive disorder services (ADS), compensated work therapy, Residential Post Traumatic Stress (PTSD) program, Mental health intensive case management, inpatient psychiatric services, and outpatient psychiatric services. Gun locks are available through the Suicide Prevention Coordinator.


General Assessment for Substance Use Disorders
Clinical Psychiatric Evaluation
Psychiatric Case Management
Psychiatric Medication Services
Suicide Prevention Programs
Adult Psychiatry
Central Intake/Assessment for Mental Health Services
Veteran Reintegration Counseling
General Counseling Services
Adult Residential Treatment Facilities
Individual Counseling
Adult Psychiatric Inpatient Units
Mental Health Expense Assistance
Medical Information Services
Comprehensive Outpatient Substance Use Disorder Treatment
Medication Assisted Maintenance Treatment for Substance Use Disorders
Federal Government Agencies/Departments
Veteran Support Groups
Military Family Support Groups
Flu Vaccines
Veteran Outpatient Clinics
Community Clinics
Substance Use Disorder Counseling
Psychiatric Day Treatment
A therapeutic place of residence for persons suffering from substance use disorders and mental illness. Offering dignity and serenity to continue the journey of recovery, healing, and wholeness. Serenity Hills offers 3 distinct programs: -Social setting detoxification -Halfway house combines a strong AA 12-step philosophy with a multi-disciplinary team approach, including professional addiction, psychiatric and mental health care. -Crisis intervention/Appropriate Regional Facility/Safe Rooms for individuals experiencing mental health crisis and/or having thoughts of self-harm.


Transitional Housing/Shelter
After Hours Crisis Drop In Programs
Central Intake/Assessment for Mental Health Services
Residential Substance Use Disorder Treatment Facilities
Recovery Homes/Halfway Houses
Crisis intervention/Appropriate Regional Facility/Safe Rooms for individuals experiencing mental health crisis or having thoughts of self-harm.


After Hours Crisis Drop In Programs
Central Intake/Assessment for Mental Health Services
Medically Monitored Withdrawal Management: Individuals in need of medically monitored detoxification treatment for substance use disorders may participate in our 10-bed program. Individuals may be admitted voluntarily or involuntarily under an Emergency Detainment or Involuntary Drug and Alcohol Committal (IVC). During a short-term stay (approximately 3-7 days), we will provide medical stabilization to support a safe withdrawal and provide recommendations for continued care and treatment after discharge. Sobering Observation for Intoxicated Individuals: Individuals under the influence of alcohol or other mood-altering substances who are in need of observation and support in order to reach a safe level of sobriety may participate in our sobering observation program. Prior to discharge, we will offer connections to community resources and provide education regarding available substance use treatment options. Mental Health Crisis Stabilization: Individuals experiencing a mental health crisis, who are not actively suicidal and are not violent, and would benefit from short-term stabilization may participate in our 3-bed program; length of stay can be up to 23 hours. Prior to discharge, we will work with individuals to develop a crisis response plan and offer recommendations for ongoing community and mental health support. If an individual is determined to be in need of a higher level of care to safely manage their mental health symptoms, we will assist them with a referral to higher level of care.


After Hours Crisis Drop In Programs
Central Intake/Assessment for Mental Health Services
Mental Health Screening
Central Intake/Assessment for Substance Use Disorders
Substance Use Disorder Crisis Intervention
Clients receive help with depression, anxiety, behavioral problems, adjustment issues, grief and loss, as well as other mental health issues. An adult outpatient, time-limited, intensive, and coordinated clinical treatment program with the goal of stabilization with the intention of averting inpatient hospitalization or reducing the length of a hospital stay. Partial Hospital Program (PHP) - Serves as a positive alternative when individual counseling does not fully meet the needs of the individual and when inpatient care is not necessary. - 5 days per week, 4 hours per day. Intensive Outpatient Program (IOP) - The goal of program is to provide support while promoting independence, growth, individuality and self-reliance. Clients are assisted in learning new and more effective coping skills while remaining in their homes and their jobs. - Generally 7 - 11 hours of structured programming per week consisting of counseling and education groups.


Psychiatric Day Treatment
Adult Psychiatry
Family Counseling Agencies
In-person and telephone crisis support for youth and adults experiencing a mental health and/or substance use crisis with short-term stabilization services for up to 5 days; voluntary and involuntary patients accepted.


Substance Use Disorder Hotlines
Central Intake/Assessment for Mental Health Services
General Assessment for Substance Use Disorders
Suicide Prevention Hotlines
General Crisis Intervention Hotlines
After Hours Crisis Drop In Programs
Mental Health Screening
Services are available for boys and girls, ages 4-14 years old, who exhibit emotional disorders and/or behavioral problems. The average length of diagnostic assessment period is thirty days. The average length of stay for residential treatment is twelve to fourteen months. The Special Education School Program specializes in the education and treatment of children with emotional and behavioral disorders. Initial assessment includes psychiatric evaluation, physical exam, nursing assessment, educational testing, family/social assessment, trauma assessment, and speech/language screening.


Educational Testing
General Counseling Services
Special Education Classes/Centers
Psychological Assessment
Clinical Psychiatric Evaluation
Psychiatric Day Treatment
Child/Adolescent Residential Treatment Facilities
Adolescent/Youth Counseling
Provides a level of care assessment and identifies referral options for patients in behavioral health crisis.


After Hours Crisis Drop In Programs
Central Intake/Assessment for Mental Health Services
Mental Health Screening
Urgent Care Centers
This guide is produced as an initiative of the Human Services Collaborative and funded by the John T. Vucurevich Foundation. It was established to help people more readily identify and select licensed/credentialed practitioners and agencies. It includes both non profit and for profit behavioral health practioners, and is available in both printable and online searchable versions.


Psychiatric Medication Services
Veteran Reintegration Counseling
Terminal Illness Counseling
Child and Adolescent Psychiatry
Dialectical Behavior Therapy
Cognitive Behavioral Therapy
Subject Specific Public Awareness/Education
Faith Based Counseling
Adolescent Psychiatric Inpatient Units
Substance Use Disorder Counseling
Mental Health Expense Assistance
Psychiatric Rehabilitation
Sexual Orientation Counseling
Bereavement and Grief Counseling
Psychological Assessment
Hoarding Counseling Programs
Marriage and Relationships Counseling
Geriatric Psychiatry
Psychiatric Case Management
Mental Health Screening
Peer Counseling
Spouse/Intimate Partner Abuse Counseling
Sexual/Love Addiction Counseling
Divorce/Custody Investigation
General Counseling Services
Conjoint Counseling
Sexuality Counseling
Adult Psychiatric Inpatient Units
Geriatric Psychiatric Inpatient Units
Children's Psychiatric Inpatient Units
Adult Psychiatry
Psychiatric Day Treatment
Family Counseling
Group Counseling
Individual Counseling
Substance Use Disorder Treatment Expense Assistance
Adult Child Sexual Abuse Survivor Counseling
Child Abuse Counseling
Adolescent/Youth Counseling
Anger Management
Directory/Resource List Publication
Divorce Counseling
Gambling Disorder Counseling
Clinical Psychiatric Evaluation
Gender Identity Counseling
Internet Addiction Counseling
Parent Counseling
General medical and surgical, primary, nursing home, and rehabilitative care. Behavioral health services including addictive disorder services (ADS), compensated work therapy, Residential Post Traumatic Stress (PTSD) program, Mental health intensive case management, inpatient psychiatric services, and outpatient psychiatric services. Gun locks are available through the Suicide Prevention Coordinator.


Mental Health Expense Assistance
Flu Vaccines
Psychiatric Case Management
Adult Residential Treatment Facilities
Suicide Prevention Programs
Central Intake/Assessment for Mental Health Services
Individual Counseling
Adult Psychiatric Inpatient Units
Veteran Outpatient Clinics
General Counseling Services
Veteran Reintegration Counseling
Veteran Support Groups
Psychiatric Medication Services
Adult Psychiatry
Comprehensive Outpatient Substance Use Disorder Treatment
Medication Assisted Maintenance Treatment for Substance Use Disorders
Substance Use Disorder Counseling
Federal Government Agencies/Departments
Medical Information Services
Military Family Support Groups
Psychiatric Day Treatment
Community Clinics
Clinical Psychiatric Evaluation
General Assessment for Substance Use Disorders

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