Black Hills Behavioral Health Guide | Helpline Center - Resource Guides
This guide is produced as an initiative of the Human Services Collaborative and funded by the John T. Vucurevich Foundation. It was established to help people more readily identify and select licensed/credentialed practitioners and agencies. It includes both non profit and for profit behavioral health practioners, and is available in both printable and online searchable versions.
Physical Address
No Physical Address, Sioux Falls, SD 57104
Available online 24 hours a day / 7 days a week
Open to all
Service area
Butte county, SD Custer county, SD Fall River county, SD Lawrence county, SD Meade county, SD Pennington county, SD
Agency info
Helpline Center - Resource Guides
The Helpline Center creates resource guides which include a variety of resources about a specific topic(s) within a designated area.