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Mobile Vet Center (MVC) are large mobile vehicles with space for confidential counseling and are used to provide outreach to individuals in communities that are distant from existing services.
Also provides emergency services in response to national emergencies and disasters.
Mobile Vet Center (MVC) are large mobile vehicles with space for confidential counseling and are used to provide outreach to individuals in communities that are distant from existing services.
Also provides emergency services in response to national emergencies and disasters.
Post Disaster Mental Health Services
General Counseling Services
Mobile Mental Health Clinic
Outpatient mental health counseling center providing 100% free services to eligible Veterans, active duty service members, and their families. Part of the US Department of Veterans Affairs but separate from the VA Medical Centers, with separate and confidential medical records.
Offering individual, group, and couples counseling both in Rapid City and at a number of Community Access Points in the Black Hills. Also, a referral service and can point Veterans in the right direction for any information they may need in terms of accessing benefits, enrolling in VA health care, etc.
Specialty is helping Veterans readjust successfully into civilian life, and provides counseling for a wide range of problems, from mental health issues like PTSD, depression, and anxiety to life stressor issues such as work-related or relationship difficulties.
Provides free bereavement counseling for loved ones of service members who died while on active duty or Veterans who died by suicide.
Outpatient mental health counseling center providing 100% free services to eligible Veterans, active duty service members, and their families. Part of the US Department of Veterans Affairs but separate from the VA Medical Centers, with separate and confidential medical records.
Offering individual, group, and couples counseling both in Rapid City and at a number of Community Access Points in the Black Hills. Also, a referral service and can point Veterans in the right direction for any information they may need in terms of accessing benefits, enrolling in VA health care, etc.
Specialty is helping Veterans readjust successfully into civilian life, and provides counseling for a wide range of problems, from mental health issues like PTSD, depression, and anxiety to life stressor issues such as work-related or relationship difficulties.
Provides free bereavement counseling for loved ones of service members who died while on active duty or Veterans who died by suicide.
Veteran Reintegration Counseling
Mental Health Expense Assistance
Conjoint Counseling
Sexual Assault Counseling
Family Counseling
Individual Counseling
Bereavement and Grief Counseling
Spouse/Intimate Partner Abuse Counseling
Adult Child Sexual Abuse Survivor Counseling
Telemental Health
Group Counseling
Specialized Information and Referral
Families of Military Personnel/Veterans
Active Military
Marriage and Relationships Counseling
Mobile Mental Health Clinic
General Counseling Services
Outpatient mental health counseling center providing 100% free services to eligible Veterans, active duty service members, and their families. Part of the US Department of Veterans Affairs but separate from the VA Medical Centers, with separate and confidential medical records.
Offering individual, group, and couples counseling both in Rapid City and at a number of Community Access Points in the Black Hills. Also, a referral service and can point Veterans in the right direction for any information they may need in terms of accessing benefits, enrolling in VA health care, etc.
Specialty is helping Veterans readjust successfully into civilian life, and provides counseling for a wide range of problems, from mental health issues like PTSD, depression, and anxiety to life stressor issues such as work-related or relationship difficulties.
Provides free bereavement counseling for loved ones of service members who died while on active duty or Veterans who died by suicide.
Outpatient mental health counseling center providing 100% free services to eligible Veterans, active duty service members, and their families. Part of the US Department of Veterans Affairs but separate from the VA Medical Centers, with separate and confidential medical records.
Offering individual, group, and couples counseling both in Rapid City and at a number of Community Access Points in the Black Hills. Also, a referral service and can point Veterans in the right direction for any information they may need in terms of accessing benefits, enrolling in VA health care, etc.
Specialty is helping Veterans readjust successfully into civilian life, and provides counseling for a wide range of problems, from mental health issues like PTSD, depression, and anxiety to life stressor issues such as work-related or relationship difficulties.
Provides free bereavement counseling for loved ones of service members who died while on active duty or Veterans who died by suicide.
Veteran Reintegration Counseling
Mental Health Expense Assistance
Conjoint Counseling
Sexual Assault Counseling
Family Counseling
Individual Counseling
Bereavement and Grief Counseling
Spouse/Intimate Partner Abuse Counseling
Adult Child Sexual Abuse Survivor Counseling
Telemental Health
Group Counseling
Specialized Information and Referral
Families of Military Personnel/Veterans
Active Military
Marriage and Relationships Counseling
Mobile Mental Health Clinic
General Counseling Services