Sioux Falls Counseling Services | Vet Center
Community-based counseling center that provide a wide range of social and psychological services, including professional readjustment counseling to eligible Veterans, active duty service members, including National Guard and Reserve components, and their families. Bereavement services for family members is also available. Readjustment counseling is offered to make a successful transition from military to civilian life or after a traumatic event experienced in the military. Individual, group, couples, and family counseling is offered in addition to referral and connection to other VA or community benefits and services.
Physical Address
5020 S. Broadband lane, Suite 100, Sioux Falls, SD 57108
8:00am - 4:30pm (CT), Monday - Friday Appointments available outside of scheduled hours by appointment.
Application process
Call for appointment or walk-in.
Veterans and currently serving active/guard & reserve personnel. See website for more details.
Service area
Aurora county, SD Beadle county, SD Bon Homme county, SD Brookings county, SD Brown county, SD Brule county, SD Buffalo county, SD Campbell county, SD Charles Mix county, SD Clark county, SD Clay county, SD Codington county, SD Davison county, SD Day county, SD Deuel county, SD Douglas county, SD Edmunds county, SD Faulk county, SD Grant county, SD Hamlin county, SD Hand county, SD Hanson county, SD Hughes county, SD Hutchinson county, SD Hyde county, SD Jerauld county, SD Kingsbury county, SD Lake county, SD Lincoln county, SD Marshall county, SD Mccook county, SD Mcpherson county, SD Miner county, SD Minnehaha county, SD Moody county, SD Potter county, SD Roberts county, SD Sanborn county, SD Spink county, SD Sully county, SD Turner county, SD Union county, SD Walworth county, SD Yankton county, SD
Agency info
Vet Center
Vet Centers across the country provide a broad range of counseling, outreach, and referral services to combat Veterans and their families.